Who IZ 1z

Isaac Ampadu (1Z) is an Ghanaian American Freelance Painter, illustrator + Concept artist. Accra, Ghana is where he grew up in a town called kokomlemle. He received his Bachelors in Business Administration & Information Technology in Old Dominion University where he decided to pursue a career in the arts. He currently sells original art pieces, high quality prints of his personal work, hosts paint classes and takes commissioned projects. It is also a goal of his to pursue state and government art projects.

1Z’s art is heavily focused on the positive futuristic outlook into Africa as the leaders of the future given it’s hidden and obvious potentials. He draws inspiration from everyday life and creation. In his own words, “I could syphon inspiration from a blank slate”. His purpose is to create art that teaches the consumer to unlock untapped aspects of their reasoning- something that is missing in mainstream media 2023.

1Z is self-represented and takes on projects on a limited basis. Inquire about his availability.